Thursday 10 December 2015

What Is Infertility?

Some women have a hard time getting pregnant or staying pregnant. Infertility is diagnosed when a women tries to get pregnant for a year without success. Women are also considered infertile if they have repeated miscarriages.


More than 1 out of 10 couples experience infertility. Infertility isn’t just a woman’s problem. Men can have fertility problems, too. When a couple is having a hard time getting pregnant, it is just as likely to be caused by a problem with a man’s fertility as it is with a woman’s fertility.
When a couple has a problem achieving pregnancy, it’s estimated that about
1 out of 3 times it’s due to a problem with the man’s fertility
1 out of 3 times it’s due to a problem with the woman’s Fertility
1 out of 3 times it’s due to a problem with both the woman’s and the man’s fertility or a cause cannot be found for the problem.

That’s why both the woman and the man usually get tested for fertility problems when a couple is having infertility problems.

Common Causes of Fertility Problems in Women

About 10 percent of reproductive-age couples in the United States will have difficulty getting pregnant. About 30 percent of cases are due to problems in the woman, 30 percent to problems in the man, and the rest to unexplained causes or multiple factors involving both partners.

If you've had regular, unprotected sex for more than a year (or six months if you're over 35) without conceiving, see your doctor. Nearly 90 percent of couples with Infertility problems can be successfully treated.

Read on to learn about the common causes of Infertility, treatments, and how many couples become pregnant with treatment. Keep in mind that success rates may vary, since one couple can have multiple problems.

Fertility Treatment

Ovulation problems
Poor egg quality
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Blocked fallopian tubes
Sperm allergy
Unexplained fertility problems
Combination fertility problems
There are many known causes of female and male Infertility. There are also many couples with what infertility doctors call idiopathic or unexplained Infertility. The reasons for Infertility are many - and the exact reason can not always be identified. However, fertility treatments will usually be successful - even when the reason for infertility is not known. The major known causes and treatments of female and male Infertility.
Tubal Infertility
Male Infertility
Unexplained Infertility
Egg Quantity and Quality Problems
Female Age and Fertility
Ovulation Problems and Fertility
Polycystic Ovaries and Infertility PCOS
Previous Vasectomy
Previous Tubal Ligation
Endometriosis and Infertility
Uterine Factors and Fertility
Uterine Polyps and Fertility
Uterine Fibroids and Infertility
Uterine Scarring and Fertility
Immune Problems and Fertility
Ectopic Pregnancy
Pelvic Scarring and Infertility
Smoking and Fertility
Weight and Fertility

Thursday 3 December 2015

Stress Moves You toward #Infertility

Childless couples who are struggling with infertility and other problems often find in a depressed state of mind. They face anxiety and depression as infertility is such a private matter, no one wants to talk about it. There are ways to cope with the stress that the couples are struggling with. Infertility is one of the medical problems that you can feel in every aspect of life- from the way you think about yourself, to your relationship with your partner, to your overall point of view on living. It can also be stressful and challenging that creates a great deal of uncertainty and affects you emotionally in your day-to-day lives.

Infertility Treatment Clinic

If you have been struggling with infertility, you are probably thinking one of the unfortunate persons in the world today. It affects you psychologically and at every time you think about fertility. But as overwhelming the situation may be, there are ways to reduce depression and anxiety. Here are steps that bring your attention to your body that makes you calmer, happier and stronger in life.

Understand the feelings
The most important thing to reduce stress is to understand that what you are feeling is completely OK. Going through the infertility tests and procedures month after month can be emotionally draining. And the feeling of the outcome of your treatments can be stressful at times. Every couple wants to have biological child and dream of becoming a parent.

Ask questions and feel free of fears
As you are dealing with infertility, it helps to have people around who can provide support your questions, be close to your feelings and comprehend your fears and concerns.

Allow yourself to grieve
Even though you are expecting a positive pregnancy, your subconscious mind has already started grieving for the biological child you have not yet had. You may have to go through a period of mourning in order to feel better again. You can also note down your feelings to acknowledge and work through your grief- and then let it go.

Infertility Treatment in India

Be connected with family and friend circle
Another step in reducing stress is to build a bridge back to your close friends and family. You can tell them how certain remarks are sensitive by giving them a book on the subject or let your loved ones who are also infertile know how you want to be treated.

Explore your visit at fertility clinic
You can also reduce stress by approaching the best fertility specialists or fertility clinics that will let you know about service treatments that they are offering to infertile couples. IVF, IUI ICSI or other treatments, can be rewarding as most of the infertile couples realized the dreams of parenthood through these services.

IVF Surrogacy has helped hundreds of infertile couples who were experiencing depression like you. Today, they are enjoying the joy of parenthood after considering assisted reproductive techniques such as IVF treatment. Please leave your comments in the below section, we will get back with you 24 hours.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Infertility Treatment - Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (Gift)

If you are struggling to conceive a child due to certain complications, it is recommended that you try a procedure referred to as Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT).

What is gift? GIFT is a fertility treatment which is nowadays becoming popular and is quite similar to the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedure.

IVF Procedure

With this treatment:
• Your ovaries are given stimulation in order to produce more eggs than they are usually capable of forming.
• The eggs, once produced, are collected and transferred from your ovaries. These are then mixed with the sperm sample collected from your spouse in a laboratory.

However, GIFT is an entirely different procedure and should not be considered as the same as IVF.
• The eggs and sperm are transferred almost immediately to your fallopian tubes.
• Therefore, with this procedure, fertilization takes place inside as opposed to outside the body.
• The embryo can start its development in the midst of natural surroundings as compared to an artificial environment.

Is Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer GIFT Recommended?
You will have to consult your doctor before actually opting for the procedure. However, your doctor may ask you to consider it for the following reasons:
• If your fallopian tubes are open and other procedures have not really done you a world of good despite their apparent effectiveness.
• If you are suffering from problems which relate to ovulation or cervical difficulties.
• If you do not receive a concrete answer as to why you are infertile.
• If your husband is suffering from a low sperm count or if the sperm does not have the ability to move fast enough. However, it should be noted that for problems related to a low sperm count, an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) would be the treatment of choice.
The GIFT Procedure:
The entire process is quite complicated and you should therefore be well informed of the procedures by your doctor before actually opting for it. Here are the steps involved:
• The GIFT procedure makes optimum use of your fallopian tubes and treats it like a natural incubator for the fertilization process. With this exception, the entire GIFT fertility process is quite similar to the IVF Treatment Procedure.
• You will be administered fertility drugs which help stimulate your ovaries in order to ensure the development of mature eggs for the fertilization process.
• After the eggs mature, your doctor will locate the eggs with the aid of an ultrasound. He will then proceed to extract and then remove them from your ovaries by using a hollow and fine needle. After some time, a few of your eggs will be mixed with the sperm which your husband will donate for the procedure to be successful.
Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer

• Soon after that your doctor will transfer the eggs and sperm by a surgical procedure to your Fallopian tubes which will lead to your uterus from the ovaries. This will be done with the aid of a fiber-thin tube via a small incision which may be made in your abdomen, or through a catheter which will pass through your cervix.
• This will then lead to the implantation which will follow shortly.
• Ensure that you take adequate rest once the procedure is complete. Progesterone will be administered by an injection or gel to build up the uterus lining to make it ready for implantation.
How Long Will It Take?
A complete GIFT cycle normally takes four to six weeks. Egg retrieval and gamete happens almost instantly in the same procedure and you can go home the same day.
Advantages of GIFT:
You might want to opt for GIFT if:
• The doctor feels that both your fallopian tubes are intact or if you have religious reasons to opt for it.
• The GIFT technique is better than IVF especially when a problem arises to insert an embryo via the cervix or vagina.
Thus, the GIFT procedure can be viewed as an effective procedure to help you conceive a baby if you are facing biological complexities.